
Maker, Material, Method

New arrivals


This site is a future repository of information about widely available materials, tools, and how to smash them together to make interesting things.

In the present, it's a mess. Please mind the digital construction dust.

I've spent decades dabbling in every medium I can get my hands on and learned a lot from it, this site will be a comprehensive pool of resources and knowledge I can point people to and say "look! Read this!" rather than stumbling through a poor explanation in the moment.

This project was born from my frustrated inability to sift useful, truthful, thorough information from the sea of advertising and amatuer static that google surfaces for me. It was also born of the frustration many makers, cosplayers, crafters, and DIYers feel when you just need a Specific Part that has Specific Properties that you can pick up from your local hardware store, but you have no idea what it's called or if it even exists.

What this site will have (eventually)

Model the organization on one of my favorite reference websites focused on soft electronics: "How to Get What You Want".

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